With Power BI Slider, you can automate the presentation of your Power BI reports on TVs and other screens.
All you need is a valid Microsoft Power BI account, a browser, and internet access. No installation required!
The platform offers automation features such as selecting report pages, viewing time for each page, and intervals for checking data updates.
Power BI Slider is the only service on the market that offers the "Compositions" feature, allowing the creation of customized presentations by selecting pages from multiple Power BI reports, providing a complete and dynamic presentation experience.
You do not need to configure anything! Just log in with your Microsoft account and all your reports and permissions will be loaded automatically.
The only data collected are personal reference data (name and email), list of Power BI workspaces and reports.
* Important: We will not have access to modify or update your reports or workspaces, nor access the data in the datasets. Power BI Slider will simply incorporate your environment into our application. All your permissions and access are maintained by Microsoft. If you are an admin, do not worry about giving consent on behalf of your organization; this will ensure the platform works smoothly to its fullest potential.
All plans are clear and straightforward, with no restrictions:
- No report limitations. Access as many reports as are available in your Power BI account.
- No screen limitations. Use as many browsers as you wish with your Power BI account.
- No time usage limitations.
Try all the features for free for a 15-days period.
- A Microsoft Power BI account.
- A device, screen, or TV with access to a browser and the internet.
The platform is quite intuitive. You can present your reports in basically three ways:
- Through the home screen or Workspaces menu
- Direct access through the Power BI environment via our official browser extension
- Creating a Composition
- In the top menu, you will find the "Workspaces" option.
- Select the Workspace that contains your report.
- Next, select the report you want to present.
- Your report will open within the Power BI Slider.
- In the toolbar located above the opened report, you will find two buttons: "Start Presentation" and "Settings".
- In the settings tab, you can customize your presentation:
- Refresh Time (in minutes): enter the number of minutes the platform will check for new data in the Power BI dataset.
- Reload Time (in minutes): enter the number of minutes the platform will completely reload your report. This feature is useful when the development team releases a new version of your report, allowing you to avoid refreshing the browser to retrieve changes in the visuals.
- Presentation Pages: specify which pages will be part of the presentation and how many seconds each should remain on the screen. The presentation loops infinitely, meaning after the last page, the first will be displayed again.
- After completing the settings, you can save and start the presentation. This configuration will be saved locally on the device, meaning it will not be synchronized with other devices.
- Whenever you want to start the presentation without opening the settings screen, use the "Start Presentation" button in the toolbar.
- You can download and install our official extension, available in your browser's app store:
- With the extension installed, simply open your report through Microsoft's website at app.powerbi.com.
- You will notice that the extension icon in your browser turns yellow.
- Click on the extension icon and press the "Presentation Mode" button.
- You will be redirected to the Power BI Slider with the settings tab open.
- Now, follow the steps in the Item 1 to configure your presentation.
With Compositions, you can create presentations using multiple pages from various reports! An exclusive feature of Power BI Slider.
- In the top menu, you will find the "Compositions" option.
- Click on "New".
- Enter the name of your composition and the data check interval (minutes). This is the same setting as Item 1 for checking new data in the dataset.
- Next, add the pages from the reports you want to include in your presentation by clicking the "Add Report Pages" button.
- A new screen will open for you to choose the Workspace and the Report you want to add.
- After adding the pages, you can configure the display time for each, reorder, and remove pages.
- Add as many pages as you want from as many reports as you like. The presentation loops infinitely, meaning after the last page, the first will be displayed again.
- You also have the option to show or hide the lower page navigation in the report. This bottom bar can sometimes interfere with the visualization of the visuals.
- Now, simply save and start the presentation.
Compositions are saved in the Power BI Slider cloud, meaning you can access them from any device.